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Accueil › FAQ client › Marcel Pro 💼 › [ADMINISTRATOR] How can I access the reports and invoices for my company’s Marcel Pro account?

[ADMINISTRATOR] How can I access the reports and invoices for my company’s Marcel Pro account?

As an account administrator, you can access your company’s journey reports, which can be downloaded in Excel format. In order to do so:

  1. access the management platform for your Marcel Pro account, in “Company Account”
  2. go to the “Invoicing” section
  3. go to the “Download summary” section
  4. select the period you are interested in. If necessary, filter according to the references you have selected, then download the report

You can also access your company’s monthly invoices:

  1. access the management platform for your Marcel Pro account, in “Company Account”
  2. go to the “Invoicing” section
  3. go to the “Download invoices” section
  4. Selected the month you are interested in and download the invoice

If you have any questions, please contact your account manager directly or send an email to

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