Marcel application
Book a journey

Accueil › FAQ client › Prices and rates 💰 › How are journey prices calculated?

How are journey prices calculated?

The price of a Marcel journey is calculated as follows:

pick-up price + (estimated journey time * price per minute) + estimated journey distance * price per kilometre.


Estimated journey times and distances are provided to us by a mapping service (Here Maps). They enable us to estimate and definitively validate the price of your journey when you make your booking (excluding waiting charges and journey modifications).


The price of a journey can change according to the day and time of the journey ( as estimated times depend on this) and also according to supply and demand at the time of the journey.


Journey is generally more expensive during rush hour (mornings and evenings) or at night than during off-peak periods.


Any toll, parking or Rungis entrance charges are not included in the price. Your luggage is transported free of charge on a Marcel journey. However, please check the capacity of the vehicle categories before booking. Please note we cannot make any commitment on your behalf, meaning you are responsible for estimating whether your belongings will fit into the type of vehicle you have requested.


For more information, please visit the following pages:

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